Corporate portal of mobile operator life:)
In 2017 our company participated in the implementation of one of the most ambitious and difficult projects on the CIS market. Mobile operator life:) set a main priority to engage a young audience and active and even aggressive marketing.
Marketers of life:) wanted to create a completely unique software product, both in terms of the visual component and the complexity and variety of software solutions. Online store with internal CRM that allows you to evaluate effectiveness of managers’ work and channels to increase traffic. The user's personal account that displays data in real time, the identification system, which in real time forms a unique offer for different groups of users.

A unique feature of the new design is the lack of differences between the mobile and the desktop versions of the site for user.
The user sees and works practically with one version of the site. All blocks of the page accommodate their size to the resolution and size of the user's device.
The representation of content on the site life:)
All thematic sections on the site are presented in the form of separate landing pages and are divided into two main groups Plans and Services, Entertainment and Services. Next, the user finds the necessary services and goes to the landing page. All unique pages are presented in the form of separate landing pages and contain only the necessary information.

The card Service is designed in such a way that the site administrator can configure the necessary pages from the presenting React components in the future.
Main components for each service:
- Creeping line with unique information
- The header and the main image and a short description of the service.
- Price and connection to service. The request is transferred to the processing, and the activated service is immediately displayed in the personal account.
- Detailed descriptions represented the form of accordion. Administrator set the required amount of information.
The representation of each unique service as a separate landing page allows marketers more accurately to customize and manage advertising campaigns and measure effectiveness.

An example of a card Service implementation on the example of the AppsClub section
Another important requirement for the development of a new software product was the creating of an online store with the option to sell devices and accessories over the Internet.
Sale of mobile devices and accessories life:)
The Online Shop life:) is divided into three main categories:
- Mobile phones;
- Tablets;
- Unlimited Internet Modems.
Next, the product line is divided into unique SKU products whenever necessary. The main differences of mobile phones are the amount of memory in the models and the color of the case. The user can use the filters and choose brand, price and specifications of the smartphone.
Markers for the “New” and “Sale leader” catalogs are set additionally in the warehouse management system.

Mobile Phone Product Card
Each product card is combined from unique react components similar to the page “Service”. The main features are the availability of the gallery with unique images for each smartphone and its SKU by color.
After selecting the necessary filters (color, amount of memory), the user selects the cell phone plan and method of purchase. All product groups have different prices depending on cell phone plans, installments, loans. After selecting the method of purchase and payment, the system automatically forms for a client a payment schedule and shows the initial payment and bonuses that are provided after the purchase.

Gallery, technical specifications of the smartphone, types of cell phone plans, variants of installments
All information about the sold goods gets into the company's CRM, and additionally the system collects primary information about orders. It is possible to get quickly familiar with orders on the main control system panel. The manager can see the number of transactions for a period of time, the amount of orders, presenting statuses.
The image is an example of a test site and is not related to the actual work of
In 2018, the task of any Internet project for a business is to not only be beautiful and work quickly but also to sell effectively the services and products of the company. In order to achieve best results, we have used into the development software product that allows in real time to generate unique and, most importantly, personal trading offers for the company's clients.
OXPE omnichannel personalization system.
The main feature of omnichannel personalization is the evaluation of the user profile and history in the real time, and the formation of personalized offers for users. For example, the system can remember your browsing history (interest in the product), and knowing your current cell phone plan and balance, make you a unique offer to purchase a new device or cell phone plan. The using software of such kind allows marketing departments to more effectively interact with users of the site and online shop.
Personal account of life:)
The user's personal account is represented as a third-party REACT application. With the help of API all information is synchronized in real time with the processing of the operator. You can refill your account, check out the connected services and manage them (connect to new or delete existing ones), it is also possible to carry out internal profile settings.
If necessary, the user can request a detailed account report for the selected period. The request is sent to the processing, processed and the user receives the generated pdf document.

The main feature of the entire project is the creation of a classic web site in the form of a modern one-page react application. The first technical problem that we needed to solve was the ignoring react applications by search engines. To solve this problem, a process was created in parallel with isomorphic rendering, which at the first entry generates a static HTML page in parallel. This HTML page is processed by the search engine. It was also necessary to work with a site management system that supports work in Headless mode. This mode makes impossible work with classic templates and classic rendering.
The content management system X4M did a great job with the task operating in headless mode. It speeds up significantly the development. The team did not have to implement the data storage and processing mechanisms from scratch.
Preparation technical documentation on the base RESTful API
It was necessary for ease of development and subsequent site support to create a detailed description of all API functions. For this task, we used SWAGGER. This easy-to-use and easy-to-learn set of services and programs allows you to define REST API in a friendly format for user and computer.
The result can be easily used both for further enhancement and refinement of the existing functionality, as well as for connecting additional applications and services to our back-end. For example, life:) can develop a mobile application, but in fact they do not need to develop an additional back-end. They can take all the necessary data and do all the calculations using our system and synchronizing their applications with us through the API.