The online store of High-End appliances and accessories

Avex is one of the first companies in our country, which began to bring and sell acoustic systems and Hi-End equipment. The main direction of the company is not only the sale and service maintenance of acoustic and musical equipment but also the development of acoustic solutions for various homes, offices or restaurants. The specialists of the company Avex help with the selection of the necessary equipment or develop unique sound concepts.
Avex is currently the leader among distributors of High-End equipment in the Republic of Belarus and is a unique representative of such world brands as ADVANCE ACOUSTIC, ANTHEM, AUDIOLAB, BELL’O, DENON, MISSION, MONSTER CABLE, NAD, PARADIGM, PSB SPEAKERS, QUAD, SHARP, SHERWOOD, THE CHORD COMPANY, WHARFEDALE.

The design of the online store of company

The new version of the online store in the first instance should solve several important problems of the company:

  • To show a complete and current product catalog, with real prices and current stock balances;
  • The synchronization of the catalog with 1C: Enterprise through the exchange file in .xls format;
  • The possibility of universal filtering of goods in the catalog. The company sells a variety of products and accessories that have absolutely distinctive features and characteristics;
  • The download speed of the catalog and site pages.

In order to implement the site, we decided to use the X4.CMS system, which allows you to create unlimited catalog filters depending on the selected characteristics of products, and indeed often, the client is limited in the choice of filtering by his imagination. An indisputable advantage, the client can remove and add the necessary filters to the catalog without additional refinement of the programmer.

The list of unique characteristics for the catalog filters of a particular category of goods.

The synchronization of online store and 1C: Enterprise

Avex uses the xml files to synchronize the catalog and 1C: Enterprise; the X4.cms system implements a ready-made data loading functionality. The user 1C: Enterprise generates in the system itself the necessary file with the nomenclature of the goods. The file includes current prices, availability, and the marked necessary parameters for the catalog filters and each unique product card has images in the gallery and described characteristics.

The system automatically updates the catalog in a few seconds after receiving this file. Configuring update files is implemented in such way that once a day the system automatically generates an .xls file and sends it to the server, and CMS receives it and updates the catalog. If necessary, you can set the update of every event. During the performing a warehouse operation (the goods were sold), 1C automatically generates a file with ‘’availability’’ and sends it to the server, the CMS almost instantly updates the availability of the goods. This approach allows you to avoid almost completely cases of collision of goods in the store and the Internet.

The modern design and content management system is an online store of High-End technology

The synchronization with 1C allows you to maintain the current state of the catalog and process incoming orders directly on 1C. The site administrator can independently create new categories of products with the help of 1C, configure the necessary filters by categories and set values for filters.

Order goods in the store

The process of synchronization with 1C allows the direct integration of an order on the website and in 1C system for the convenience of manager Also, the content management system allows you to accept payments from all popular payment systems and, if necessary, upload the catalog to the marketplace.

After payment the manager receives a notice in 1C about the status of the order and payment and may begin the formation of an order to be sent to the user. The personal account allows you to see the history of your orders, and for wholesale partners you can post the necessary data, catalog, price list and contract.

Graphic solution for the online store

Adaptive html-coding in this project was not implemented at the request of the customer, but for a opportunity to work conveniently on mobile devices. We provided for the possibility of adaptation of templates to the size of mobile devices. User gets all the stationary functionality of the site, within the size of usual mobile devices with the possibility to zoom the image.

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